The House selling process is as intricate as buying one, therefore it is more than necessary to take some time, do proper research, and go through all the processes without the rush. For selling the house for the maximum profit within reasonable time research is the first and foremost criterion. If you encountered this blog while researching then you are already on the right page. Here are step by step introduction to the house selling process in Nepal.
●Find the right agent with right listings
Agents can be of many types, your friends, families, colleagues anyone whom you are asking to spread the word for selling your house but for professional help, you need to find a real estate agent who will list down and review potential buyers and help you set up a meeting. This is an important step because finding the right agent boils down to make the other following steps easier.
● Choose a competitive listing price
The real estate agent you hired will be responsible for conducting market analysis to recommend the best possible price for your house which will help you to sell it within a reasonable amount of time.
● Preparing the house for buyer inquiries
Again, the real estate agent you hired will do the job of explaining your house’s estimated costs to the interested buyers and if you haven’t hired one then prepare yourself and your house to tend to potential buyer’s queries, and showcase the house.
● Marketing plan
In a world where everything is online these days, why should selling the house follow the traditional method right? So, consult your real estate agent first, utilize an online platform, and figure out how to advertise your horse for sale. Post pictures of every nook and cranny of your house so that interested buyers can go through a virtual tour before meeting up. Remember descriptions of your house play an equally major role as the photographs of your house so formulate well-descriptive, authentic information of your house when you put up your house for advertising.
● Prepare yourself for negotiation
Once your house is in the interested buyer's eye, be ready for receiving multiple offers. Always consult with a real estate agent and make a plan to deal with counter offers while negotiating. A counteroffer in simple terms is the seller accepting the buyer's offer to one or more changes. The changes usually include sales price, earnest money deposit, asset buying along with the house, and closing date, etc. Working with your real agent is best while negotiating and accepting the best possible counteroffer.
● Be prepared for the escrow period
The escrow period is when the buyer and seller await or decide on the closing and move-out date after reaching a purchase agreement. You will decide on an escrow period when you finalize your deal with the buyer.
● Schedule an Appraisal
An appraisal contingency needs to be prepared and along with that preparation, your house also needs to be prepared before the Appraiser comes. Discuss with the real estate agent properly about receiving appraisal because sometimes a buyer can decide to cancel the deal/contract so a contingency appraisal needs to be prepared.
● Deliver seller disclosures
Any problems with your house should be disclosed upfront. This creates transparency and an honest business relationship between you and the buyer of your house. To deliver any disclosures that your buyer needs to know about the house you are selling.
● Attend to the inspections of the buyer
After the purchase agreement, it is more than necessary to attain the property inspections which helps buyers to confirm that they are indeed purchasing the house that is truly in the condition for which it appears. Once the inspection is done and the buyer is happy with the house he/she is about to buy, you move onto the next step and that is closure.
● Closing the deal
After the end of the escrow period, a lot of paperwork takes place. For the documentation and paperwork, your real estate agent will help you. The necessary documents according to the Government of Nepal, Department of Land Management and Archive, are divided into three sections;
1.First for the Deed Registration (Likahat) Process
A. Submit an application form in LRO with following minimum supporting documents:
a. Existing Land Ownership Certificate,
b. Land Tax Receipt for last fiscal year/current month from VDC/municipality,
c. Recommendation letter about Building and Road access from local bodies,
d. Copy of Citizenship certificate of both buyer and seller,
e. Recommendation letter from Guthi (trust) office if the land is under Guthi,
f. Two copies of photographs.
B. LRO verifies all documents, Signature and thumb impression with the official record, called "Moth Shresta",
C. Send the request to the Survey Office for parcel splitting if required,
D. Calculate of Revenue and Capital Gain Tax(CGT) if more than 30 lakhs,
E. Calculate discount, if any applicable,
F. Deposit of deed registration fee, CGT (if applicable) by Applicant,
G. Registration section attach the receipt with the application,
H. Verify and approve the deed registration by an authorized land officer,
I. Moth section updates the record and issues a printed land ownership certificate or handwritten land owner certificate, where DLIS is not implemented to the landowner,
J. Send the Record (Misil) in the Archival Section (Tameli) for record reference.
2. Second for the Namsari process
A. Submit an application form in an LRO with following minimum supporting documents:
a. Land ownership certificate of the dead person,
b. Land revenue clearance receipt,
c. Copy of Citizenship certificate,
i. Birth certificate and parent’s citizenship certificate in case of a child.
d. Relationship certificate with the dead person by local bodies,
e. Death certificate,
i. Migration certificate if migrated,
ii. In the case of a missing person and second marriage (for women only) recommendation should be submitted.
f. Photographs.
B. LRO verifies all documents, Signature and thumb impression with the official record, called "Moth Shresta",
C. Calculation of fee if applicable. If Namsari after 35 days of the death, a certain fee (fine) is applicable,
D. Verify and approve the Namsari by an authorized land officer,
E. File sent to Moth section for ownership record update,
F. Moth section updates the old record and issues a newly printed land ownership certificate or handwritten land owner certificate, where DLIS is not implemented to the new landowner,
G. Send the Record (Misil) in the Archival Section (Tameli) for record reference.
And finally for the process of Dakhil Khariz (Da.Kha.)
A. Submit an application form in an LRO with following minimum supporting documents:
a. Land revenue clearance receipt,
b. Copy of Citizenship certificate,
i. Birth certificate and parent’s citizenship certificate in case of a child.
c. Related documents to Dakhil Khariz – the decision of court, auction, and the decision of other government agencies,
d. Related other files,
B. LRO verifies all documents, Signature and thumb impression with the official record, called "Moth Shresta",
C. Verify and approve the Da. Kha. by an authorized land officer,
D. File sent to Moth section for ownership record update,
E. Moth section updates the old record and issues a newly printed land ownership certificate or handwritten land owner certificate, where DLIS is not implemented to the new landowner,
F. Send the Record (Misil) in the Archival Section (Tameli) for record reference.
After all the documentation and accomplishment of these processes, your house will be officially sold.